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Peru, Junin
Varietal: Caturra, Typica
Process: Washed
Altitude: 2,000 masl


Sticky fruit syrup mouthfeel with notes of macadamia, Brazil nuts and parma violets.


As you may have gathered by now. We love to be able to share coffees from more remote regions. This coffee comes from the tiny village of Lauca. Not far from Jauja which was the city Spanish colonisers decided to be the capital of Peru when they first arrived due to it’s central location, Lima was later made the capital due to its proximity to the sea. Maybe if the capital hadn’t moved Lauca’s story would have been different. This is the home to only three families, and some great coffee. This lot was grown by Raul Ames and Samuel Muñoz. Both are very proud that their coffee is getting the name Lauca out past the confines of the Masma district.